In the present times, looks have become quite important in every field and when it comes to logos, banners and advertisements, looks are of prime importance. Reason; it creates the first impression and in this industry first impression is not only the last impression but the only impression that you get to make. Therefore, it has to be solid and oozing a bang-on kind of effect. These days, the audience is bombarded with so many spectacles that it is a pretty challenging task to get their attention but if you have a catchy layout, in keeping with the taste of the times, they can ring a bell in the hearts of the audience.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
35 Modern Fonts You Can Use For Your Next Design Project
What To Do When You Have Nothing To Blog About
There comes a time when you get stuck while writing. I hear many people suggest to step away from the computer in order to reprogram and relax your mind. While this may be true, the matter of the fact is that you will eventually come back to the same place. Stay away from this loop or unproductivity. Pondering for ideas away from your computer does not mean a bird will tweet it into your ears. You need to get the sticky gum off your shoes and keep moving. This article will provide possible ideas that can help you with your writers block.
Awesome Illustrations by Nicholas Kole
Time for more great illustrations here at Abduzeedo! This time, we're featuring the amazing work of American illustrator Nicholas Kole. Gotta really enjoy these fantastic pieces!
Adaptive images: solving the responsive image problem
Responsive design isn’t just a change in layout or the use of media queries here and there, it is a mind-state and an action that has clear meaning.
Responsive design is essentially saying that we care more about the content than we have in the past. In fact, we care so much that we will even optimize content to be read and viewed on devices that haven’t been launched yet.
In essence, we are trying to present information as clearly as possible and be as efficient as possible all at the same time. Here’s a common misconception; mobile first means designing as though your entire site revolves around the mobile phone. That isn’t quite accurate. Mobile first simply means to design for the simplest experience first, which often leads us to cut out overheads that we are experiencing or may experience in the future.
25 Things You Need To Know To Get The Most Out Of Facebook
Facebook is a useful tool.
The social network helps you to keep up with popular events, share photos, and stay in touch with your friends and family.
But it can also be insanely confusing for the Facebook newbie.
We put together a bunch of tips and tricks that'll help you get the most out of the largest social network on the planet.
25+ Professional Resources for Getting Your Book Published
Ever heard someone tell you that you should write a book? Or do you already have one underway?
Here’s a guide, filled with an overabundance of resources, to help you navigate the vast – and often confusing – publishing world.
Are you deciding whether self publishing or a traditional publishing route is best for your work? Are you unclear on how to find a reputable literary agent, without getting scammed? Do you know how to format your books into popular digital formats? Or which print on demand service gives you the best quality for your dollar?
These and many more questions on book publishing have professional answers, provided by published authors and experienced agents, found in these professional resources.
45 Famous Facebook Timeline Covers
Facebook is user friendly and easy to use Social website. In September 2011 facebook introduced the timeline by Mark Zuckerberg at facebook conference. In timeline default status, photos, videos and other categorized options were removed and a dynamic timeline and timebased scrolling was introduced.New timeline is divided into two parts a line down the middle represent the passage of time, where users add their life events.
Breathtaking Minimalistic Movie Posters
A majority of the people like to see movies during free time, they love a lot to see different movies, like horror movies, thriller movies or other stories of movies, Hollywood is famous to make interesting or amazing movies stories they create unique stories of their movies therefore they earn a lot from their movies, movies posters are one of the important thing to advertise their movies, minimalistic movies poster designs has much attraction in it, you can create minimalistic movie posters designs by getting inspiration from designer of movie posters, you can create minimalistic or motivational posters by getting inspiration from professional designers, minimalistic movies posters having creativity in it, you can achieve artistic inspiration from minimalistic movie poster designs. Take a Tour of Microsofts' Hotmail Replacement
Microsoft released a new Web-based email client today called The new online Outlook takes some of the aesthetics of the Windows 8 "Metro" interface and mixes it with the functionality of Hotmail. Many of Microsoft's productivity apps also take center stage, and it allows users to import contacts from all of their social services. Take the tour of the new below.
Content Marketing 101 – Essential Questions & Answers
Who hasn’t wrapped their arms around content marketing yet? Believe me, plenty of companies are still navigating the pros and cons, ins and outs of how to better implement content in their digital marketing mix. In a recent interview I was asked about content marketing basics and what companies should consider. I thought it would be useful to share some of those insights here as well.
If you’re new to implementing content marketing as a productive complement to your paid, earned and shared media efforts, check out the basics below on starting out, measuring success and where content marketing may be headed.
30 Free Icon Packs from the Dribbble Community
Dribbble is not only a great website to find insights into what fellow designers are working on, it’s also home to an array of freebies available for download from generous Dribbble users. This post rounds up 30 high quality icon sets that can be downloaded and used in your own projects for free.
Does Twitter Have Half a Billion Users?
Has Twitter really hit 500 million users, as a new study claims — or is the company drowning in fake accounts?
Twitter tends to be very careful when it comes to announcing user numbers. Wary of its problem with bots and spam accounts — such as the thousands that have started following Mitt Romney in the past few weeks — the company appears to have a policy of only discussing the number of active users.
Back in September 2011, in a State of the Union-style talk at Twitter headquarters, CEO Dick Costolo said there were 100 million active users who log in at least once a month, while 50 million log in every day. On the company’s sixth birthday back in March, it announced the number of active users had reached 140 million — though it didn’t specify whether or not that was monthly logins...
Black and white landscape & architectural photography by Mike Diblicek
"Born in Hampstead – London, I’m a self taught British award winning photographer currently living in Eastern France. I first got interested in photography during my late teens, mainly through my father who was an avid photographer, having work published in various magazines and journals, as well as a number of international salons and solo exhibitions. I bought my first camera a Zenith EM, and used this to try and get to grips with apertures, shutter speeds and film speeds, which was fairly easy to get to grips with before moving onto a medium format Mamiya C220, but what I really lacked at time was the artistic ability, to transform what was in my head onto film, and after a while, frustration led to my interest in photography being put to one side. 25 years later, and with the digital age upon us, and the fact that I was working in a photographic studio, the fire was re-ignited: the fact that I was working with Photoshop on a daily basis and treating images in the office rather than in a darkroom, along with a chance visit to the social photographic website Flickr.
7 Great Tools to Build a Mobile App
Results from a study announced earlier this year indicated that 49% of smartphone and tablet owners are using apps to find local information. So if better communicating with customers would bolster your business, you might consider creating an app for it.
Not only do people love apps, but they're good for business: A well-designed business app can let you push customers promotions and deals (forget about Groupon or other middlemen).
Creating one used to be a big, expensive deal, but those days are long gone. Now there are many development platforms you can use to create a mobile app quickly and cheaply. Here are seven. Know of other good ones? Sound off in the comments.
The Elements For Designing a Clean Website
Designers are often heard praising websites and the most common phrase heard is ‘This website is so clean’. This clearly means that neat, clean and simple web designs have gained a lot of popularity in recent times and we hardly see crowded websites. Today, we will not only discuss the important elements essential for a clean website but, we will also share a few tips on how to design a clean website.
Superb Drawing Illustrations By Bjorn Hurri
Bjorn Hurri is a hard working illustrator based in Brighton, England, United Kingdom who has an awesome imagination. He created a lot of interesting art for various games of which you will see a part on this site
Apple Vs. Samsung: Everything You Need To Know About The Patent Trial Of The Century
The patent trial of the century between Apple and Samsung finally kicked off Monday in San Jose as lawyers for the two companies began the process of selecting a jury.
If you haven't been following it closely, here are a few things you should know about the case...
Don't Ignore These 4 Start-up Lessons
Entrepreneurs have innovative minds that can turn a crude idea into a great business opportunity. They tend to know more about their own product or service than anyone else, and they have the ambition that could lead the company to success. However, there are four lessons that they often dismiss.
40 Creative and Unique World Map Remakes
For today’s gallery, we have 40 uniquely designed World maps for you. Some maps have been designed using only the creative imagination of the designer allowing you a brief glimpse into how they each view the World and using, at times, some uncommon art materials such as water, a tangerine peel and, even Lego. Others, while no less creative, have been designed to highlight a product or service, a global historical event/time, or to make a political statement.
11 Ways to Make Social Media Marketing Less of a Time Suck
Social media marketing: tweet a hashtag, post a picture of my lunch, like a photo in my news feed. Nailed it.
Uh, not really. And if you're doing social media marketing -- real social media marketing -- you know that.
Thing is, if you add up all the hours you spend doing social media marketing in a week, it's likely not that much time compared to all your other marketing activities. But because of the pace at which social media operates, our minds (and cursors) always seem to be floating over to one social media network or another. And if you're anything like me, that kind of constant distraction is paralyzing to your overall productivity.
Colors You Wear Says More Than You Know [Infographic]
Anyone who has followed Bit Rebels for a while knows that I am a statistics fanatic. I couldn’t keep away from statistics even if my life depended on it. That has many times lead to long and boring algorithms that return the result of a question that I probably could have Googled to get the answer faster. But my eagerness to know exactly what is implemented is usually far more important to me then the result itself, if that makes sense. So, have you ever wondered what the colors you wear say about you? I mean, we are often fed with sentences like, “That shirt matches your personality!” So is this true? Are we really aware of what the colors we wear say about us?
Apple reportedly to unveil iPhone 5, iPad Mini on Sept. 12
Apple consumers could perhaps see the debut of both the new iPhone and an iPad Mini come September.
Citing "sources who have proven accurate in the past," blog site iMore says that Apple will announce the two devices at a special event on Wednesday, September 12. The iPhone 5 itself would then go on sale 9 days later on Friday, September 21.
This latest report follows a tidbit last week from French site (English translation), which pointed to a September 21 release date based on intel from Chinese manufacturing sources. The spacing itself jibes with last year's schedule when Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S on October 4 and then released it 10 days later.
30+ Origami Artwork That's Fun but not Easy
Japanese paper folding art known as Origami is a unique and modern sculptural art like Opera composition with which you flow with pattern like a music. Origami Art design are folded individually then all joined to form patterns and shapes, which can be on done on individual or mass production level to impress viewers and buyers.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Social Media and the Olympics - Infographic
Regardless of what you thought of the opening ceremonies - personally I thought they were great, you cannot deny nor argue the point that this Olympiad is unlike any other for the impact of social media on it is irrefutable.
Two infographics hammer that point home. One from Exact Target, which looks at the social media landscape entering the games and the other from TechBargains, which in addition to letting us know how many hours we will watch and on what medium - what social media platform will be the most in "play" if you will.
Photography inspiration from Luis González
Nature or the streets, monochrome or color, Madrid-based Luis González’s photos evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation for the little things that might go unnoticed. I’ve put together some of his most interesting photos to share with you today… enjoy!
9 Great Ways To Capture Your Most Creative Ideas — No Matter Where You Are
After staring at a blank screen for the last 20 minutes, trying to write your next viral post (next, right?), you give in and give up. It pains you to let the blankness win, but you concede.
Next stop. Shower. No sooner does the steaming hot liquid permeates your pore than an idea flits into your head.
No paper. No pen. No help.
And there she goes. Too bad because it was a good one, too!
This Is What 350,000 Websites Look Like
Try to picture the internet and you invariably have a hard time. Fortunately, Ruslan Enikeev has decided to help you out by creating a map which organizes websites by popularity and similarity.
The result is The Internet Map. In total, the whole map depicts 350,000 sites and two million links from 196 countries. Each site is represented by a circle, whose size depends on the amount of traffic, and the space between each one is determined by the frequency with which users jump from one to another. Enikeev explains...
The 50 Most Powerful People In Enterprise Tech
Consumer tech gets most of the attention but enterprise tech is really the stuff that's changing the world.
It is changing the way you work, the way you find a job, even the kind of jobs available.
Plus, it's enriching investors. Where Facebook's IPO was a mess, enterprise IPOs from Jive, Splunk, and Infoblox were big hits. And there's more hot enterprise IPOs coming.
So it's time shine a spotlight on the enterprise tech that is quietly rocking your world and the people who are leading it.
10 Creative Websites By Talented Web Designers
My name is Julio A Rivera, I'm a Creative Director/Web Designer from New York City and I'm the Founder of Underworld Magazines also and I'm happy to share some of the web best resources and give you Inspiration.
Maira Kalman on Walking as a Source of Creativity
Last week, Maira Kalman — artist extraordinaire, prolific author, unequaled visual storyteller — shared some poignant, beautifully human thoughts on existence and happiness. From the same interview series comes Kalman’s equally wonderful meditation on the difference between thinking and feeling, touching on Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Anne Lamott’s insights on rationality vs. intuition, and the power of walking as a generative force of intellect, awareness, and creativity...
20 Inspirational Typographic Illustrations
We see typography everywhere, starting from the most insignificant piece of paper and all the way to huge world renowned posters and billboards. Since the early days of advertising (if we can call it like this), typography is the most important aspect of delivering the message. Choosing the perfect font is more important than the message itself because the human’s first natural interaction is his sight. Therefore, in that very first second of eye contact with the image, he will firstly analyze the impact produced by the overall image and after that, he will read the message with the feeling of that impact.
Top Ten Tourist Attractions in the World
Tourism is a major economic activity in many countries. There are countries that heavily rely on tourism as their main economic activity owing to the fact that they do not have any other viable economic activity to undertake. Different regions of the world are blessed with natural physical attractions that attract tourist from around the world. While most are purely natural features, others were formed many decades ago as a result of earth movement. Still there are man-made tourist attractions designed in unique ways that also attract tourists.Among many tourist attraction centers available all over the globe, there are those attractions that have continued to attract millions of tourists year in year out. The numbers of tourists visiting such attractions are in millions annually.
50 Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
Have you spent this week gearing up for the Summer Games? So have we. But in the midst of tacky opening ceremony apparel, broadcast faux pas and stalking Team USA’s Instagram pics, we managed to round up this week’s top digital media resources.
Among our favorites this week are 25 Twitter accounts to boost your brainpower, a guide to gamification in the workplace and a few apps that will help you discover new eateries in your area.
Though if you prefer keeping up with the Olympics, check out tons of Mashable stories that will keep your head in the Games, including hot Olympian Pinterest and Twitter accounts, apps, games and gadgets that will feed your fandom and a guide to watching coverage of London 2012 online.
4 Tips for Successful Web Content Writing
Content is king. If you’ve spent much time in reputation management or SEO circles, then that mantra is probably pretty familiar. What it means is simple: That if you’re seeking ranking success on Google, Yahoo, or Bing, the quality of your written content matters a great deal. If your content is lacking, then all the SEO tactics and backlinking strategies in the world are unlikely to help you.
The trend toward content’s superiority has only gained in traction in 2012. Google’s Panda and Penguin updates both arrived with the intent of penalizing content that’s less than stellar; the long and short of it is that, in order to rank well on Google, you’ve got to come up with content that actually appeals to readers—not just the search engines themselves.
Basics of Photography: The Complete Guide
We spent the last week learning all about the basics of photography, from the way your camera works to composing your photos to editing them in post. Here's the complete guide, along with a PDF of all the lessons and some additional resources fo learning more.
8 Steps for Social Media Marketing Success
Do you follow, friend, like, tweet, #hashtag, circle, search, share, upload, link-in, link-to, favorite, discover, connect, bookmark, filter, share, pin, post, upload, comment and connect? You should.
For business, it’s become an imperative—for marketing, PR, personal branding, customer relations—you name it. For life outside of work, it’s a ton of fun.
When you think about, you come to realize social media kind of blurs the lines between work and play making it easier to get news, pick fights, spout off, opine, share wisdom, survey customers, track competitors, do research, make offers, make announcements, make friends, make money, make progress, make the world a better place, or make whatever you want to make. (Exhale.) Social media is what you make of it.
Best Android apps for kids
Time to run through eight of the best Android apps for kids. These apps will keep your young children amused, occupied, and entertained. Some of them even have educational value.
Kids are insatiable little monsters who will drive you completely insane if you let them. It is vital to develop a repertoire of tricks to keep them amused while you stand in line, cook the dinner, talk on the phone, or write articles. An Android phone loaded with the right apps can be more effective than a children’s entertainer, not to mention more educational and interactive than a TV. You’ll delight in the looks of wonder on their cherubic faces as their rapt attention is held for a precious few minutes and you can get your tasks done in peace.
The world’s 5 youngest billionaires
Let’s be honest, we all get a little jealous when we see how young these billionaires really are and how much money they make. Most of us would have to work many lifetimes in order to come even close to what these five billionaires generate, but how do they make so much money?
Find out how each of these young billionaires made their billions through this very interesting infographic.
30 Inspirational Typography Designs
Creative typography is an art, but you should not confuse it with topography or typology. It would be a huge joke! Typography designs make fun of the elements to beautify those alphabets and make the language visible. For instance, they can be different styles, sizes, length and spacing.
Creative typography is now something everybody does, and not only typographers. Hence, what are you waiting for? It is getting popular among all comic book artists, visual designers, typesetters, graffiti artists and anyone else who arranges type for a thing. You could play with 26 letters by the combination of technology and ideas.
Alleged iPhone 5 Parts Assembled: Is This the New iPhone?
It's getting to be the time of year when new iPhone rumors are flying with abandon, and grains of salt are needed by the ton. But when industrious repair shop iLab takes a mess of purported new iPhone parts and assembles them into one very convincing device, it's worth paying attention.
Is this what Apple's new iPhone will look like when it's finally released this fall? Impossible to say. But it sure lines up with everything else we've heard. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that it looks absolutely gorgeous.
20+ Best Collections Of Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
Adobe Illustrator is generally the primary option to consider. However, the software package itself is a pretty hard to study but thanks to graphic designers who created set-by-step tutorials for us. Adobe Illustrator can be a little tricky to get your head around, particularly after getting used to the workflow of applications such as Photoshop. In this roundup we’ve showcased “20+ Best Collections Of Adobe Illustrator Tutorials” for your inspiration, so let’s have a look and enjoy!
Stunning 3D Illusion Sketch Art
These captivating Sketch Art 3D illustrations were created by talented Japanese artist, Nagai Hideyuki. He used two separate sketchbooks to create illusions that use shadows and unique perspective to simulate 3D effects. You’d have to view these from the correct angle, of course…
Stunning 3D Illusion Sketch Art
These captivating Sketch Art 3D illustrations were created by talented Japanese artist, Nagai Hideyuki. He used two separate sketchbooks to create illusions that use shadows and unique perspective to simulate 3D effects. You’d have to view these from the correct angle, of course…
The Best Websites for Listening to Internet Radio and Downloading and Streaming Free Music
When was the last time you listened to over-the-air FM radio? There are so many options on the internet for listening to thousands of different radio stations in many different genres and for downloading a lot of music for free.
We’ve collected some of the best websites for listening to internet radio and for downloading and streaming free music.
60 Brilliant logo design examples for your inspiration
In this post we have added 60 Creative and Brilliant logo design examples for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Pencil, Pendulam, Killed, Code fish and ZIP.
50 best photos from The Natural World
We share our world with many other species and live in an ever-changing environment. Fortunately, photographers around the world have captured the moments and beauty that allow us to see amazing views of this awe-inspiring planet. This is a collection of favorite photos from The Natural World gallery in 2011, a showcase of images of animals and environment that runs on throughout the year. Next week's posts will take a look at the year in photos, so stay tuned. -Leanne Burden Seidel (50 photos total)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Video Game Character Facebook Profiles
A clever collection of pictures of video game character's possible facebook picture pages.
Examples of Creative and Modern Effects in Web Design
Modern web technologies are pushing the boundaries of creativity and today we want to share a little collection of modern websites with some great effects. From hover to scroll, there are many ways to surprise and engage the visitor. The possibilities are endless. Get inspired with these examples of creative and modern effects in web design.
U.S. Blows $400 Million an Hour
If you harbor any doubts about how dysfunctional Washington has become, add two books to your reading list: “Bailout” by Neil Barofsky and “Red Ink” by David Wessel.
Each describes a federal government incapable of taking steps vital to America’s future. And each leaves you wondering if the system is too broken to mend.
Start with “Bailout,” Barofsky’s angry memoir of his stint as the special inspector general policing the $700 billion bank bailout Congress passed after the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
21 Brilliantly Hidden Logos in Silhouettes
Logo designers are the ones who are responsible for gaining more and more attraction from the customers. If their logo is liked by the target market the product and brand become the instant hit among the audiences. There are different ways with the help of which logo designers create amazing logos, some go for organic based logos, some try to create hidden logos based on animals, individuals and different objects. Even symbolizing logos are much appreciated by the audiences. The best thing about a logo which a designer can bless is the character of the logo and message that it transfers to the target customers.