Friday, November 30, 2012

How Do Computers Understand Speech?


More and more, we can get computers to do things for us by talking to them. A computer can call your mother when you tell it to, find you a pizza place when you ask for one, or write out an email that you dictate. Sometimes the computer gets it wrong, but a lot of the time it gets it right, which is amazing when you think about what a computer has to do to turn human speech into written words: turn tiny changes in air pressure into language.

Computer speech recognition is very complicated and has a long history of development, but here, condensed for you, are the seven basic things a computer has to do to understand speech.
If you thought Siri had an easy gig, think again. Mental Floss breaks down just how hard it is for computers to understand what we say—and to turn that into written words.

Posted via email from Create | Inspire - DM2 Studios

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