Saturday, December 31, 2011

The 10 stories that defined tech in 2011


While 2011 was a very busy year for the technology industry, the constant rate of innovation and activity in the market shows that things probably won’t slow down in 2012. Below, we’ve rounded up some of GigaOM’s biggest stories of the year — roughly in the order that they occurred — with a bit of insight on what each could mean for 2012.

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Google, Amazon, Facebook may shut down to stop SOPA


DESPITE MANY PROTESTS, things are still looking pretty good for SOPA to pass next month. While every little bit helps – things like writing to your representatives – the NetCoalition may be pulling out the big guns.

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The 10 Best Wireless Routers


A wireless router can be one of the hardest pieces of technology to purchase. Sifting through all of the vendor noise and choosing which router is best suited for your purposes is a daunting task. Do you need a lesser expensive single-band router or a more expensive dual-band? Do you need to upgrade or purchase an 802.11n router? What benefits do 802.11n give? Does a higher-end router mean better Internet connectivity? These questions as well as factors like security, parental controls and extra features such as the ability to connect USB printers and external storage drives to a router for sharing in your personal network, are all considerations to weigh when deciding to purchase or upgrade a router.

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12 Energy Projects to Watch in 2012


The U.S. Department of Defense has 300,000 buildings and an energy bill that amounts to nearly $4 billion annually. Many of those buildings are high-priority targets for foreign military forces and terrorist groups. To add still more complexity to the military’s circumstances, the DoD has to meet several ambitious sustainability goals in the not-so-distant future, which are in many cases – and unlike the private sector – mandated by law.

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The 20 Most Popular How-To Geek Articles of 2011


We at How-To Geek are grateful to all our readers and hope we have enlightened you about all kinds of interesting topics. Here are the 20 articles that were the most popular in 2011.

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Beautiful landscape photography by David Butali


David Butali is a tourist photographer from Arezzo – Italy, one who travels for capturing images. They could be images of a city, of the beaches of Fuerteventura, of somewhere in Norway or simply in England or in Trieste. A guy with a low cost ticket always in his pocket: what is the next destination?

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10 Most Awe-Inspiring Projects of 2011


Out of all of the projects we’ve posted on this year, there are ten that stood out for the creators’ originality and their ability to inspire us to no end. These made us stand back in awe, almost in disbelief that someone could not only think of such a creative idea but execute on it so flawlessly. While in some cases it was a collaborate effort involving many people, in still others only one person was involved. A person who dedicated countless hours to completing his or her seemingly insurmountable task.

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7 New Year’s Goals That Every Small-Business Owner Should Have


Welcome to the anti-New Year’s resolution list. If you’re like me, you can’t stand resolutions, and by February 1 you’ve already thrown them to the wind anyway. So forget resolutions. Instead, focus on goals—goals that will help your business next year, goals that are attainable, ones you can achieve with minimal effort and ones that will guarantee to make you a happier and more relaxed small-business CEO next year. Here are seven that should be on your list.

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HTC is the #2 smartphone maker in the US with 21 percent share, right under Apple


The latest numbers are in and Apple still leads the smartphone pack, but HTC has a healthy market share of 21 percent, logging in at a solid number two. Meanwhile, Android continues to lead while RIM continues to bleed. ComScore and Nielsen data included.

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Urban & landscape photography by Allard Schager


“ Allard Schager, born 1973, from Alkmaar, Netherlands. Completely self-taught (with help from and Youtube tutorials and of course many of my Flickr contacts). Main interest lies in Architecture, Travel and Landscape Photography. Photos have to be interesting, so I obtain that by using different techniques (HDR, DRI, Filters, Cropping etc). Of course the photo itself has to be worthy before even stepping into the post-processing.” ~ Allard Schager

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Digital Trends looks back on 2011


It’s been quite a year. From the hype and eventual disappointment over the iPhone 5, rise of the hacker, digital corporate missteps, and the powerful role social media assumed, we look back on a few of the more poignant moments that shaped 2011.

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Five ways to increase your Kindle Fire's battery life


If the Kindle Fire has become your closest companion, the last thing you want is for it to die on you.

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Surreal photography by Ć’enk


Gorgeous, dreamy and surreal… that’s how I would describe the photography of Ć’enk! Spectacular imagination in a magical dream of a mystical world. You’re gonna love him!!

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13 Useful Tips to Get your Freelance Business Started in 2012


The thought of becoming a freelancer sounds very intriguing. In todays article I will give you some tips that will help you for the new year when starting or taking the leap to freelancing.

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PlayStation Vita Sales Tank in Second Week


Sony’s new PlayStation Vita isn’t selling quite as well as it did when it first launched. Though the company reportedly sold 321,400 Vitas in the game console’s first two days of availability in Japan, demand appears to have tapered off drastically in its second week at market.

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Digital Trends Best of 2011 Awards: Tablets and E-Readers


The iPad may have launched in 2010, but 2011 was a big year for tablets. Almost every major smartphone and PC manufacturer has joined the tablet party Apple started, beginning with the Motorola Xoom way back in February.

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Looking Ahead at Tech in 2012 - Article


The last year has been packed with tech stories: Competition among the tech giants, continuing fallout from WikiLeaks, the explosion of protest media, impending huge Internet legislation, the launch of the iPad 2, Kindle Fire, and a pack of good Android phones, as well as the continued dominance of Facebook and the insurgence of Reddit. We've covered many of these narratives here on The Atlantic Technology Channel, some in perhaps too much detail.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Social Security Number Theft on the Rise


Practically every adult in the U.S. knows someone who has had their identity stolen, if they have not been a victim themselves, which is plenty likely. In fact, according to the Federal Trade Commission, approximately 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year.

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25 Beautiful Digital Wallpapers for your Desktop


In this post we present beautiful collection of 25 digital wallpapers. Hopefully you will find something interesting to spice up your desktop.

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5 Best and Most Popular Games for PlayStation 3


The year 2009 passed with a great console competition and competition between the best of the games. While some of the games were very interesting and worth swelling your butt in front of your TV playing games, at the same time there were also mundane games not even worth taking a look at. But at the end of 1st decade of 22nd century in 2010 gamers experienced a golden era with outrageous games worth your time and money.

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Apple customers face new scam from a ‘well-crafted’ email


A new phishing scam involving a "well-crafted" email that attempts to trick anyone with an Apple ID into revealing their credit card information is currently doing the rounds, according to Internet security company Intego.

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Year 2011 Top Photographs by National Geographic


Almost 1 week back we were share best contestant images of year 2011 from National Geographic data bank, now today we’re with stunning photographs of National Geographic collection year 2011, you should get inspirations and professional tips to these of all beautiful collection.

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250+ Awesome WordPress Themes


During the short time WP Daily Themes been online, we have written and published quite a few articles with collections of WordPress Themes. It’s been about free and premium themes, but also about Music & Band themes, One page themes, White and Dark, Christmas themes and much more. So here’s a really cool collection with over 250 + Awesome WordPress Themes.

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December 29 is ‘Dump GoDaddy Day’


The SOPA saga will continue tomorrow as protestors will begin ceremoniously dumping their GoDaddy accounts. The domain and hosting service has had an inconsistent position on the new Internet regulations, originally supporting the potential rulings and then retracting that statement after threats of members leaving the site.

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Report: iOS app downloads up 83 percent


Market analysis firm Fiksu has released its analysis of of the aggregate download volumes of the top 200 free iOS applications and finds Apple has a lot to smile about: during November 2011, app downloads were up 83 percent compared to the same time a year ago. Fisku attributes the increase to the influx of new iPhone 4S customers, as well as apps updating to support iOS 5 and its new features.

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Can Google+ Top 400 Million Users by the End of 2012?


If you fancy yourself a betting man, head over to Las Vegas and see if you can find anyone willing to wager which will happen first: the world will end, or Google+ will top 400 million members. Both are predicted to happen in the 2012, the former by the Mayans, and the latter by Paul Allen (stat guy, not the co-founder of Microsoft). Is either one likely to happen?

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Consumers Spent $35.3 Billion Online This Holiday Season


Current economic woes didn’t put much of a damper on holiday spending this year, particularly online. Between November 1 and December 26, U.S. consumers spent some $35.3 billion online, according to the latest metrics from comScore.

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30 Beautiful Wallpapers To Say Welcome to 2012


In this post and to participate in this New Year 2012 i have collected 30 stunning and beautiful wallpapers to say welcome to 2012

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Can the World's Next Political Revolution Be Predicted By Computers?


Big data and sentiment analysis can do amazing things, whether it's in the enterprise or in the quest to create compelling applications and experiences for consumers. But can technology trends such as these actually predict major real-world events?

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New York Times email meant for 300 people goes to eight million by mistake


The New York Times won't have been the only one to send an email to the wrong person, it's just that in this case there were eight million of them.

An email sent by the New York Times to readers asking them to reconsider canceling their subscriptions was only supposed to go out to 300 people, but ended up in the inbox of eight million.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 Biggest Opportunities For Entrepreneurs In 2012


At the beginning of each year, there is always a little buzz about what will be the next new big ticket. The world is supposed to end in 2012, so I hope you’ll buy 50 pair of underwear, six months’ worth of food rations and about 500 gallons of water.

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Man Escapes Death As Satellite Fragment Crashes Through His Roof


Andrei Krivorukov got a wonderful Christmas gift: his very own life. He saved it after a titanium ball from a Russian communication satellite crashed right into his house, escaping death by just a few feet.

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Best tech startups of 2011


Everything moves faster in the tech scene, and new startups are a dime a dozen. But every year there are a few new companies that manage to make it out of the early hype phase and transition into legitimate businesses, leaving their mark on the industry. This year we saw a handful of innovative ideas that deserve some serious recognition, running the gamut from programming school solutions to everybody’s favorite filter application.

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11 Top Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools


List of 11 Top Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools which are very useful to analyize data.

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iPhone And iPad Mobile Retail Sales


iOS devices like iPhones and iPads account for 92% of purchases made from a mobile device, GigaOM reports via a study by RichRelevance.
Additionally, while mobile only accounts for 3.74% of total online retail sales, mobile shoppers tend to be big spenders.

The average order made from an iOS device is $123, while the average order made from an Android device is $101.

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How To Deal With Competing Priorities


Dealing with competing priorities is an integral part of being an entrepreneur. Every day we face battles where we have to choose between pricing and quality, family time and business progress and between current profits and future success. We all know it’s impossible to please everyone all of the time. But knowing this truth and acting accordingly are two very different things. Some business owners do try to have their cake and eat it too by trying to please everyone. In the process they usually fail and expose themselves to serious business and personal consequences, as I wrote about in a recent article on lowering your standards. Even after you recognize that you can’t be all things to all people, the issue of which competing priority to satisfy remains; in other words who do you say “no” to? Here are some ideas on how sort that out.

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50 Interesting Navigation Menus


Navigation menus are a very important part of every website design. First and foremost, they help direct visitors to the main areas of your website, regardless of what page they are viewing on your website. They also point search engine robots in the right direction (though some flashy navigation menus aren’t that SEO friendly).

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Top 10 Sports Moments of 2011


​Think about it: Eliminate the Astros and Houston had a year worthy of holding down multiple spots on this list that encompasses athletic accomplishments both inside and outside of the best U.S. state.

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30+ Inspirational Designs of the Year


As we move into the New Year, it is a important to review what happened in the design community in 2011. However, unlike usual surveys, I will do so by reviewing the notable designs of the year. Although it’s impossible to review all the designs from 2012—I don’t claim to do so either—I’ve tried to select the best from deeply reviewed designs (approximately 2,000 designs) by considering different factors, include beauty, functionality, usability, and so forth. As these selected websites are from different categories and types, this survey could be regarded as a comprehensive overview.

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Facebook, Google, Dropbox Internships


Silicon Valley mainstays and startups like Google and Dropbox are hiring tons of interns for this coming summer, the Wall Street Journal Reports.

Dropbox plans to hire three times as many interns for this summer as for last summer.

This would make interns one whole third of Dropbox's entire engineering team.

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The Neglected Art Of Receiving


Polls show that one of the top New Year’s resolutions is to appreciate one’s family and friends and to spend more time with them. One resolution that doesn’t show up is learning how to receive, and yet it is a powerful—though often neglected—way of showing appreciation.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Start 2012 Off Right With 5 Tax-Wise To-Dos


The new year is about to begin, so review your tax situation as you decide how to start the year off right.

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Educational Resources for Studying Graphic Design


One of the greatest things about having access to the Internet, is the educational opportunities that it affords the public. People in all professions have the ability to expand their knowledge base through the wealth of information being shared via the Internet, and the same holds true for those who are studying graphic design.

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60+ Fresh CSS Websites for Inspiration


Web design is the process of planning and creating a trendy CSS Websites. Text, images, digital media and programming elements are shaped by the web designer to produce the page seen on the web browser. Ideally, website designs should have valid XHTML and CSS.

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26 Type Based Logo Designs – Words at Play!


Bored of the usual clichĂ©d logo designs? So am I! That’s why I decided to hunt for some inspirational and literal designs. Sounds different already? They are.

Most of us as designers think that a real estate logo has to have a house symbol or that a shoe company must have a shoe in the logo. What if some of us are creative enough to create meaning out of the company’s name itself?

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Shades of Grey: Showcase of Black and White Photography


Photography is such a vast field filled with so many amazing techniques and tricks for taking the world around us and stealing moments from it with often breathtaking results. One easy way for photographers to add emotion and impact to their captures is to strip them of color. B&W photography has such a knack for delivering such impactful pieces simply by taking them down to more basic levels and allowing the tone to be set in a much more subtle, yet evocative way.

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The Most Shameless Tech Product Placement in TV and Movies


Unless you've been intentionally cutting yourself off from mainstream movies and TV (and we wouldn't blame you if you had), you've probably become aware of the practice known as product placement--when companies pay money to have their product or brand featured in a movie or TV show.

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What's Firefox worth to Google? Nearly $1 billion


Don't let the StatCounters and the NetApplications of the world fool you: despite stagnant and even slightly negative market share growth, Firefox and its default search box is still extremely valuable to Google.

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50 Most Creative Blog Designs Of 2011


Everyone is busy blogging these days. This is the reason we see so many blog designs coming out every year. As you all know that we are bringing the best of web design industry in 2011 for our readers this post is also the part of this series. In this post I collected the most creative blog designs of 2011 for the inspiration of my fellow web designers.

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15 Controversial Apps Pulled from iTunes in 2011, Banned Apps


Chances are, if you’re an iPhone app developer, and your idea is controversial, you’re going to get booted. Apple has developed a reputation for staunch conservatism when it comes to what they allow into their App Store, and by conservative, we don’t necessarily mean “right wing.” We mean borderline Fascist.

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