Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Responsive Web Designs For Inspiration - 40 Examples


Things are changing in the tech world and the migration of users from PC to tablets or phones adds modifications to the way web sites are designed because web sites have to be optimized for these new platforms.

In the old days, which are not that old, designers would complain about having to make a website compatible with desktop browsers, which is child’s play comparing to the times we are living now. Nowadays, almost each client you are getting asks for a mobile version of his site and that’s not a simple task either. Consider that you need to have a version for iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Kindle and for who knows what other product will be launched in the following years.

To handle all these products and how websites are viewed on them, responsive web design has been created, a concept that means the design and development should respond to the user’s environment and behavior based on screen size, platform and orientation.

And if you come to think about it, this is a magnificent idea. We shouldn’t build a design just for a certain group. Instead, we should make it for everybody and have it adapt to the needs and platform of each individual.

Posted via email from Create | Inspire - DM2 Studios

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