Monday, April 30, 2012

21 Beautiful Examples of Typography in Web Design


Here at WDL we love typography and we never get tired of gathering good typography inspiration for our readers. From free fonts to type usage in signs and typography videos, we like to give you as many resources as we can on everything surrounding type. Today we decided to gather some examples of beautiful typography usage in web design. We will show you examples here where typography is the main focus, and examples where typography complements the design. Check it out and let us know what do you think.

Posted via email from Inspiration


  1. Best example of design crafting.


  2. Typography is such an underrated tool for great website design. A lot of people don’t think words can be creative. But when you’re a designer, you tend to use everything you can get your hands on as decoration. Cool graphics don’t have to be limited to GIF’s and photography and good use of color. Using different fonts to create design out of words can work really well if you know how to use them.

    -- Frida Stanton
