"My name is Ricky Brown and I am a film photographer born and raised in Northern California and specifically the San Francisco Bay Area. I really have no background in photography as far as education goes, but a burning desire to compose a subject and slow time down as well as motivational friends who led me to it.
I’ve found that photography has driven me to pursue and explore places I previously had little to no desire to travel to, only to find or figure out how much these places or even people share some of my life goals and aspirations.
One thing about film photography that keeps it dear to me is the idea of every shot counting or even costing, literally. It really slows you down because unlike digital you can’t take a photo, look at it and figure out if it was composed or exposed as you want; it kind of is what it is. That thought process alone forces you to be methodical in your approach and in my humble opinion leads to more interesting photos." ~ Ricky Brown
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