Monday, February 4, 2013

25 Typographic CD Cover Designs for your Inspiration


There is no denying the fact that nice tracks are the primary motivation behind buying a CD. However along with the songs, a good cover design is also a necessity. An attractive CD cover design implies a good presentation of the product that is put up for sale. This is an important marketing strategy that will help in drawing the attention of more and more clients and thereby increase the sales figure of the CD.

One of the unique styles for designing the cover of the CD is using bold and chic typography. The options of typography are varied and therefore it leaves the designers with loads of alternatives to choose from. One of the most positive factor for using the name of the musical band or singer as the prime focus of the CD cover design is that it will get noticed easily among the millions of options available in the musical store. All these factors have contributed to the growing popularity of this particular CD cover designing technique among the graphic artists.

Posted via email from Create | Inspire - DM2 Studios

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